My beginning

Ok here I go with the start of something new! It seems to be a regular occurrence in the past three years. My life is a series of changes, all of which have given me the opportunity to grow continuously within my body mind and spirit. Being more sensitive to the world around me and the mass diversity of the world we live in. My life has been a interesting journey and I suppose if I knew all I knew now my path might have been different.

For the past three years I have chosen to leave the career world to explore new  realms of living my life. I wanted to be around like minded people in a community that cared for others and the environment we live in. That lead me to Belize to check out an eco community called Better in Belize, outside the town of Benque. Ten miles outside of town on a dirt road you will come across a strategically placed community within the rainforest! I purchased a lot and have not built as of current.


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